The Platform — welcome to the world of barrels & orgasms.

tAKE A TRIP. stay wet. slow down.

Tiare Aguerre Tiare Aguerre

Stay Wet

Have an orgasm in any sense possible. Or three. Run through the rain naked. Dance under the moonlight. Have a tequila with your friends. Run wild with no destination. Explore. Create. Listen. Take a dip into your own reality.

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Tiare Aguerre Tiare Aguerre


Naturally shaded. Palm tree vision forever.

A collection of film photos of natural shade from our favorite destinations.

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Tiare Aguerre Tiare Aguerre


In the simplest, most genuinely pleasurable state of being, BARRELS & ORGASMS was born. Under a palm tree, skin still wet and salty, the taste of papaya and mango on my mouth and the shadow of my single fin surfboard on my art booklet.

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Tiare Aguerre Tiare Aguerre


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

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